KCR continues to give sleepless nights to Kutami

Chandrababu’s strategy of victory at all costs is already backfiring. Even before the counting has begun, KCR is saying he is ready to support whoever guarantees him Telengana. The left parties are already convinced that they made a strategic error in tying up their fortunes with the TRS. The conflict for them is arising at the center. While the left is trying for a third front alternative to the BJP and the Congress, KCR has no qualms whatsoever in tying up with either of them provided they guarantee the passing of the Telengana bill in the first session of the assembly. The trouble for Babu and the Kutami vis-a-viz KCR is that their objectives do not match at all. While the former wants power at the state, KCR wants support at the center. Dethroning the Congress is an end in itself for Babu, while for KCR; Congress in the state is just fine as long as the Telengana bill is passed in the assembly.
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