Chiru speaks about his political targets

He has been the undisputed king of the Telugu film industry for two decades. But the question on everybody’s mind is whether Chiranjeevi will be able to repeat his success story in politics.

Chiranjeevi’s rallies attract thousands of people, but opinion polls and surveys predict a contradictory scenario. Dismissing such surveys, the actor-turned-politician and founder of Praja Rajyam Party says, "These are the handiworks of our enemies who are trying to demoralise our cadre." Chiranjeevi spoke about the issues close to his heart, his dreams about the future development of the state and preparations for the forthcoming electoral battle.

You have completed six months in politics and traveled across the state during your yatra? What have you learnt?
Firstly, wherever I went, I was stumped by the overwhelming response of the people. I knew there would be a good response but I was not prepared for such an enormous one. Secondly, the yatra helped me achieve clarity in thinking and in understanding the problems and sufferings of the masses. Now I have a fair idea about the situation in the state.

What do you think is the biggest problem of the people?

The situation is so pathetic that even today, people in rural Andhra are dying of starvation. They don’t have access to safe drinking water, education or health care. Addressing these problems and ensuring that there is not a single starvation death in the state will be my top priority.

I dream of an Andhra Pradesh where people will get two square meals a day, not go to bed on an empty stomach, where children will receive proper education and health care will be accessible to all.

N T Rama Rao, another reigning star of Telugu films, had entered politics 27 years ago and created history by coming to power in 1983. Do you think you will repeat history too?

People still remember NTR as the messiah of the poor. They have the same expectations from me; that I will also help the poor and serve them. I want to give a better life to the people.

At a time when every political party is making populist promises ranging from free rice to free electricity, what would be your USP?

We don’t believe in just making promises and then forgetting them. We have concrete plans, specially to ensure food, for every family. Our specific plan is to make a package of food available to every poor family at only Rs 100. This will include 25 kg of rice, two kg of edible oil, a kg of yellow dal, tamarind and iodised salt.

With a daily wage of Rs 80 to Rs 100, a family will get its food requirement for the entire month. This will meet the basic need of poor families and ensure that there is no starvation in the state. I am confident that the scheme will catch up with the masses.

At the same time, I feel this is not a panacea for poverty and lack of development. Such schemes are only a stopgap arrangement and a temporary solution to the problem of starvation.

What about the free television promised by Chandrababu Naidu?

It is a cheap trick to hoodwink the people. What will a hungry family do with a TV when it does not have access to electricity or cable connection?

You hail from the Kapu community, which compared to Kammas and Reddy, is perceived to be backward. Some people are looking at you as a ray of hope for all the backward communities in the state?

I don’t think in terms of caste and community. If I am a successful and popular film star, it is because of the love and adoration of people from all castes and communities. That is my strength and all of them are supporting me now.

But how do you intend to espouse the cause of the BCs, who comprise over 50 per cent of Andhra’s population? How many BCs will get PRP tickets for the forthcoming polls?

I can’t give you an exact number but the number of tickets will be larger than what other parties gave them in the earlier elections.

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You have caused a stir by saying there should be a fourth front at the national level?

Many other parties and leaders are also thinking in terms of a fourth front that will not include either the Congress or the Bharatiya Janata Party or the Telugu Desam Party. But as of today, we are concentrating more on state politics than on national politics. We will work on it when the right time comes.

What about the possibility of supporting the BJP?

There is no question of supporting the BJP. Ours is a secular party and we can’t support the BJP. I have already assured the Muslim community on this issue.

What about the post-poll scenario in Andhra Pradesh?

We are going to win and form our own government. The people are with us and the surging crowds at my meetings are a clear indication that a silent revolution is coming to Andhra Pradesh.
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