TD mulling option of taking PRP support

“Is TRS a reliable ally? Can we sail with it?’’ These questions are haunting the Telugu Desam Party leaders who doubt whether they would be able to win a majority seats to form the Government in the State.

On its part, the TRS appears to be setting the agenda for the Telugu Desam Party.
The TRS is now making it clear that the TDP should support whatever decision it takes in aligning with the party or formation of its choice at the Centre that is amenable for separate Telangana State.

The TDP appears to be perturbed over the TRS’ new twist because in the event of the TRS deciding to support the NDA or the UPA, it would be very embarrasing for TDP to go along with the TRS. If the TRS decides to support the Third Front, then the TDP would not have any problem.

According to sources, TDP leader S Vnugopalachary met TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao today where both the leaders exchanged their views on forming the next Government in the State. The TRS is confident that it can make the TDP dance to its tune as without its support, it thinks the TDP cannot form the Government.

The TDP leaders do not want Chandrasekhara Rao to go to Delhi and take the support of the parties that are inimical to the yellow party. Each time Rao announces his intentions to leave for Delhi, the TDP leaders are sending clear signals to him that they would be prepared to do whatever is expected of them like passing a resolution in the Assembly on the first day of its session for separate Telangana State and taking action against the TDP men who remained in the fray against the TRS nominees in the recent elections.

But the TDP is not very sure if the TRS would be pleased with overtures and presses for a commitment that it would support the party the TRS would align with at Centre, it might be too much for the TDP.

Because of this, the TDP is understood to be weighing the other option of seeking support from the PRP to form the Government.

The TDP is of the view that even if it agrees to all the conditions set by the TRS, the journey would be very wobbly as the TRS would come up with one demand or the other in future.
At the moment the TDP is contemplating to taking the support of the PRP and keep the TRS at bay. This is why TDP leaders have been hinting at roping in Praja Rajyam.

Though no TDP leader has yet approached the Chiru camp, Chiranjeevi men think that the TDP leaders would be knocking at their door. The PRP is not keen on opening a dialogue with the TDP so early as it beleives that it would get not less than 80 seats and would be in a position to stake claim for the Chief Minister’s post.
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