Its TDP Vs Congress in GHMC

The fight for GHMC seems to be over even before it has begun. Except for the TDP which has (at last) got into the business end of the Campaign with an aggressive advertising effort, all other political parties including the CPI,CPM, PRP and the TRS seem to have thrown in the towel. In fact all of these parties are not even able to field candidates for all wards. CPM's Narayana even went to the extent of stating that the MIM and Congress would register a comfortable win in the GHMC polls. Chandrababu though is not giving up. His speech in Tolichowki yesterday was enthusiastically received and the TDP leader seems to be striking some sort of rapport with the crowd. Srinivas Yadav too has mended fences with his leader and by all reports has rallied splendidly in Secunderabad.The TDP is quitely confident that it can cause a few surprises in the polls.
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